OCD Porsche Specialists are different. We care. We ensure you're treated fairly and honestly. Our servicing is like no other, we are methodical in our approach, giving the vehicle a proper investigation into all its faults. We strive for perfection.
OCD Porsche Specialists are based in North West of England close to Junction 1 of the M53, easily accessable from anywhere in the UK. We cover North West of England, including Manchester, Liverpool, Wirral, Hale, South Liverpool, Crosby, Formby and Southport. We offer car pick up services. Collecting your Porsche from most North West areas. Just email us to enquire about costs info@ocdporsche.com
“Our servicing is like no other, we
strive for perfection. Perfection
as standard.”
OCD Porsche Specialists
Being an independent Porsche specialist comes with a certain responsibility. We understand we are dealing with Porsche customers, a methodical, passionate and smart customer. Ordinary is simply not good enough. We are working on a type of car that is synonymous with quality. An independent Porsche specialist must deliver an extraordinary level of care, value and quality to its services.
We are proud to declare that not a single customer has had a negative comment to say about our Porsche servicing, Porsche repairs, or any of our specialist work, much like our Porsche tuning, wrapping and detailing.
In 2014, we created a partnership agreement with Gemballa to become the exclusive distributor and fitter within the UK. Our passion for delivering unique services and products went a step further when we began tuning and modifying Porsche models with aesthetic enhancments as well as performance upgrades.
Nowhere will you find a service this good.
OCD Independent Porsche Specialists
Unit 6 & 7 BMB Business Park
Dock Link
CH44 3EQ
Tel: 0151 6388 911